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A Weekly Update

Shark Attacks in Spain: A Weekly Update

A Weekly Update

Welcome to our weekly update on shark attacks in Spain. On this page, we keep you up-to-date with the latest information about shark attacks in Spanish waters. We also provide information on how to stay safe while swimming in the ocean.

Recent Shark Attacks in Spain

There have been two shark attacks in Spain so far this year. The first attack occurred on June 27th, when a swimmer was bitten by a blue shark off the coast of Malaga. The swimmer survived the attack with minor injuries.

The second attack occurred on July 4th, when a swimmer was killed by a great white shark off the coast of Galicia. This was the first fatal shark attack in Spain since 2018.

How to Stay Safe While Swimming in the Ocean

There are a few things you can do to stay safe while swimming in the ocean and reduce your risk of being attacked by a shark:

  • Swim in groups of three or more. Sharks are less likely to attack a group of people than they are an individual.
  • Swim in areas where there are lifeguards present.
  • Avoid swimming in areas where there have been recent shark sightings.
  • Do not swim in murky water or at night.
  • Do not wear shiny jewelry or clothing while swimming. Sharks are attracted to shiny objects.
  • Do not feed sharks.

What to Do If You Are Attacked by a Shark

If you are attacked by a shark, the most important thing to do is to stay calm. Do not panic. Try to fight back by hitting the shark on the nose or gills. If you can, try to get out of the water and seek medical attention.


Shark attacks are a rare occurrence in Spain. However, it is important to be aware of the risks and to take precautions to stay safe while swimming in the ocean. By following the tips above, you can reduce your risk of being attacked by a shark.
